Kaija’s painfully funny self-portraits

When we first came across photography by Kaija Straumanis, we couldn’t help but scratch our heads in wonder. “Who, what, how, and ouch” were popular reactions among our team. We later learned that we weren’t alone. Nearly 3 million people had similar responses — making Kaija’s photography a viral sensation.

Photography helps teen heal after near-death experiences

It takes most of us a lifetime to face our greatest fears, but to be able to confront them at a young age is remarkable. Austen Sorensen, a 17-year-old photographer, was terrified of the water after nearly losing his life multiple times in the ocean. But through an unlikely support system, he felt compelled to overcome his demons.

#TwitterTuesday: Pen

Pens may be one of the most ancient tools for human beings to record their life and thoughts. It enabled cultural heritage and history to […]