Twitter Tuesday : Space

#Space: The final frontier. The ultimate destination for human kind. Go boldly where no other photographer has gone before on this #TwitterTuesday, and show us your best shots from your archives!

Photos imagine life of ‘Everyday Astronaut’

“I think at one point or another, every kid dreams of being an astronaut,” Tim Dodd says. “As a kid, I loved space. I had space sheets and space shuttle Legos. It’s just something that came back to me as an adult.” Now, the 29-year-old photographer from Cedar Falls, Iowa, shares his out-of-this-world passion in his hilarious photo series “Everyday Astronaut.”


ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst is continuously documenting his time on-board and around the ISS. His latest photos show him during his maintenance and repair space walk around the space station.

Mars on Earth

The European Space Agency just posted this curious photo to their photostream that could be taken right out of a science-fiction movie. Check out the post for the whole story.